A Travellerspoint blog

Just the two of us...

Empty nest syndrome, and the beat goes on...

One of the best things about having visitors is the supply of treats they bring- we are currently enjoying a packet of minstrels…:-)
One of the worst things about having visitors is the sad, empty, flat feeling when they leave. David and I are alone in the house for the first time in about 7 weeks and I would say it seems very quiet, but the noise from a local club which played continuously in the week of the agricultural show has annoyingly continued into this week too, so beats are still playing ‘til the early hours of the morning.
Still, we have water at the moment so I suppose we shouldn’t complain. We are also fast becoming experts in the best earplugs- (silicon ones are by far the best- they even muffle the sound of an alarm clock).

David wants to write about this weekend, so I will try and upload some pictures of some events in the last week or two…

One of the things I enjoy about having people to visit is hearing their first impressions and observations of life here- in many ways it was quite reassuring to hear how they found the heat draining and how much longer simply living takes. It makes me feel slightly less pathetic for how tiring I can find daily life here. My brother was frustrated with the constant hassling and attention in town, and the whole tipping and subtle -handshake- giving and vague prices baffled them all initially. They all coped and adjusted well though and enthusiastically visited various people and projects. My mum just began to pronounce ‘matatu’ properly by the end of her stay, and my brother developed a liking for ugali (even though he disappointingly mistook it for mash potato in his last night and took a big serving…)

Mama Florence and co. at Orongo

Mama Florence and co. at Orongo

Matthew clowning about

Matthew clowning about

Children at Orongo enjoying a new book

Children at Orongo enjoying a new book

Z at New Life homes

Z at New Life homes

Dom's solar cooker I've borrowed- bring on the solar baking :-)

Dom's solar cooker I've borrowed- bring on the solar baking :-)

Handsome boys

Handsome boys

Me and Zed

Me and Zed

Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria

Dad in one of REAPs 'improved kitchens'

Dad in one of REAPs 'improved kitchens'

Visiting improved kitchens in a rural area

Visiting improved kitchens in a rural area

Posted by africraigs 12:00

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