Holey Moley
16.10.2009 16 °C
On Thursday: more rain fell on us as we learned more about how to look for clean water. Alpha, a friend from when I was in Zaire, facebooked me to say maybe its a bit ironic that we are looking for water in the pouring rain. I guess collecting the rain would save us a lot of work.
We were shown another couple of techniques for digging for water - a hand auger- an implement which digs holes in the ground with blades as you turn them by hand. The other machine is a percussion drill which is supposedly an ancient way of digging very large holes. It uses a heavy piece of steel dropped like a torpedo into the ground repeatedly from tripod. There will be a group of guys pulling the torpedo up and letting it drop into the hole. The excitement occurs when mud from the hole splatters the person controlling the weight. One of the trainers got completely muddied over his face that way.
There was plenty of mud being flung about especially nearer the end of the day when our concentrations were waning. I managed to cover the face of the biggest perpetrator of mud wars - Dan face with a lovely mud pack. He had managed to get most of us covered in mud by that point anyway.
Friday is our final day of teaching this week in well drilling. I can't wait for my new certificate which I will proudly display again!
The 2 Pennsylvanian guys that I share a cabin with (David and Steve) had 2 great quotes that I liked and thought you might too:
"Sometimes the good things in life are the enemy of the best" and
"Imagination is more important than intelligence"
Albert Einstein supposedly said that last quote. I don't know who said the first apart from David in my cabin. Anyway, it got me thinking.
Posted by africraigs 21:28
Hi Dave,
Enjoying the blog. Comedy and interesting. Dont really agree with your quotes though. First one didnt make sense and the second one was just plain wrong. Glad you are learning loads and enjoying most of it.
by David Macleod