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Mosquitoes of doom

semi-overcast 28 °C

Africa... I don't know if I will ever get used to life here completely because of the issues that keep confronting me when I live here. I can't imagine living without the resources that I am used to. I can't imagine living in conditions others here are coping with.

I have not been overly enthusiastic about our new accomodation, despite it being a lot more 'luxurious' than most of our neighbours in the surrounding villages. It has brick walls and a tin roof as well as a solar bulb to light up the deep, dark nights. Of course, feeling like this makes me feel bad as I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I can't pretend to be over the moon...Others have things a lot more challenging, we are the lucky ones, but it still doesn't change how I feel...

It is so hard to have a good, thankful, 'Christian' attitude at these times, especially with so many mosquitoes, the likes which I have never ever seen. They make their entrance to our little home in the evenings. The rooms have a grate which is uncovered and allows the mosquitoes access for their evening snack of Craigs. I have become a bit OCD with the mossie spray 'Doom', which I suspect we will spend a large chunk of our living allowance. Doom costs 12,000 shillings which is £3. This may not sound too much, but when we realise that the salary for a good nanny could be 50-60,000 per month, there is no way someone could spend a quarter of their wage on a can of insect repellant. It would be like a teacher spending £300 on one can of the stuff...!
Ready for the fight against the mosquito

Ready for the fight against the mosquito

You may be able to see why the issues of poverty are so challenging because it affects the basics of survival. Mosquitoes are killers, but those with a lack of resources can't protect themselves adequately. To me, poverty means limited choices and opportunities. Despite living with some of the same problems as others, we have the choice to spend money to do something about it, or even get on a plane and leave at the end of the day.
What the dreaded mosquito represents to me

What the dreaded mosquito represents to me

We know that God also cares about all the local families who can't afford to do anything about the mosquitoes that buzz around their kids' heads making them sick. But, it's hard knowing that many of them are so helpless to do a lot about them. I suppose this fact is what has impacted me the most about seeing the fearsome mosquito on a nightly basis...

- D

Posted by africraigs 11:39 Archived in Uganda

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As a mother myself I can only empathise with how you are feeling right now, x how many other mother's in Africa may feel in regards to wanting to safeguard their children. However I will never truely be able to comprehend the daily struggles living in a country with such poverty would be x commend you on your passion to want to make a difference. I am sure that your positive spirit x determination will touch the lives of many x so too will you learn from this experiance. With a bit of luck you will deter the mozzies from feeding off you x have a more restful sleep at night. Just a suggestion but I don't think they like lemon. you could try placing some in warm water in the evening x see if they stay away!!!!! mel stu x harper xxx

by mel taylor-hanks

Rough! What a struggle to feel "Christian", honest, grateful, compassionate, angry, ashamed, etc etc all at once, and without others in the same circumstance who understand.

I see you and hear you. You are important and valuable.

Enjoy being so "lucky", and let us know if you need to head to Nairobi for a bit to enjoy a cushy life for a bit.

by Christi

Mosquitoes tend to come out just before dusk and dawn. If you light a smoky fire, the smoke tends to keep them away. That is a common solution in rural Jamaica.

by Hugh Vaughan

I see the annoying little fly which you have drawn so well has not nibbled at your creativity. Isn't art a great way to express thoughts and feelings. I worry for you because your have not grown up with this poverty or risks to your health and family health, so my prayers are with you as you confront these things. Love Jen xx

by Jenny

You have my sympathy! Mosquitoes (and other biting insects) enjoy feasting on me also!!

by Burcin

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